Journal Publications
In Preparation
- Lai, S. Y. J.*, Tsai, Y.-T., Huang, S. Y. J., Limaye, A. B. and Foreman, B. Z. (in prep.), Submarine braided channels in response to channel confinement shapes and inflow-to-sediment discharge ratios.
In Review
- Huang, S. Y. J., Lai, S. Y. J.* and Wu, F.-C. (submitted), Morphodynamics of clear-water sheet flow and hyperpycnal channelized flow on fan-deltas.
15. Lai, S. Y. J.*, Liu, H. Y, Foreman, B. Z. and Limaye, A. B. (2024) Response of submarine braided channels to varying inflow hydrographs: Geomorphic experiments and stratigraphic implications, Sedimentology, DOI:10.1111/sed.13236. [PDF]
14. Hsueh, Y. T., Wu, Fu-Chun*, Ye, Q., Lai, S. Y. J., and Tsang, Y. (2024), Reservoir mud releasing may suboptimize fluvial sand supply to coastal sediment budget: Modeling the impact of Shihmen Reservoir case on Tamsui River estuary, Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036701. [PDF]
13. Lai, S. Y. J.*, Amblas, D., Micalef, A., and Capart H. (2024), Evolution of submarine canyons and hangingwall fans: insights from geomorphic experiments and morphodynamic models, Earth Surface Dynamics, 12, 621-640. [PDF]
12. Huang, S. Y. J., Lai, S. Y. J.*, Limaye, A. B., Foreman, B. Z. and Paola, C. (2023), Confinement width and inflow-to-sediment discharge ratio control the morphology and braiding intensity of submarine channels: insights from physical experiments and reduced-complexity models, Earth Surface Dynamics, 11, 615-632. [PDF]
11. Lai, S. Y. J. and F.-C. Wu *(2021), Two-stage transition from Gilbert to hyperpycnal delta in reservoir, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093661. [PDF]
10. Lai, S. Y. J., Y. J. Chiu and F.-C. Wu* (2019), Self-similar morphodynamics of Gilbert and hyperpycnal deltas over segmented two-slope bedrock channels, Water Resources Research, 55, 3689-3707 doi:10.1029/2018WR023824. [PDF]
9. Limaye, A. B.*, J. L. Grimaud, S. Y. J. Lai, B. Z. Foreman, Y. Komatsu, and C. Paola (2018), Geometry and dynamics of braided channels and bars under experimental density currents, Sedimentology, doi:10.1111/sed.12453. [PDF]
8. Lai, S. Y. J., Y. T. Hsiao and F.- C. Wu* (2017), Asymmetric effects of subaerial and subaqueous basement slopes on self-similar morphology of prograding deltas, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JF004244. [PDF]
7. Lai, S. Y. J.*, S. S. C. Hung, B. Z. Foreman, A. B. Limaye, J. L. Grimaud and C. Paola (2017), Stream power controls the braiding intensity of submarine channels similarly to rivers, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL072964. [PDF]
6. Lai, S. Y. J.*, T. P. Gerber and D. Amblas (2016), An experimental approach to submarine canyon evolution, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6), 2741-2747, doi: 10.1002/2015GL067376. [PDF]
5. Chou, C.-W., S. Y. J. Lai*, F.-Y. Lin, and C.-K. Huang (2015), Experimental study of fixed-bed flow characteristics for a cylinder with different porosities, Taiwan Water Conservancy, 63 (4), 46-56 (in Chinese). [PDF]
4. Foreman, B. Z.*, S. Y. J. Lai, Y. Komatsu and C. Paola (2015), Braiding of submarine channels controlled by aspect ratio similar to rivers, Nature Geoscience, 8(9), 700-703, doi: 10.1038/NGEO2505. [PDF]
3. Capart, H.*, J.P.C. Hsu, S. Y. J. Lai and M.L. Hsieh (2010), Formation and decay of a tributary-dammed lake, Laonong River, Taiwan, Water Resources Research, 46, W11522, doi:10.1029/2010WR009159. [PDF]
2. Lai, S. Y. J., and H. Capart* (2009), Reservoir infill by hyperpycnal deltas over bedrock, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08402, doi:10.1029/2008GL037139. [PDF]
1. Lai, S. Y. J., and H. Capart* (2007), Two-diffusion description of hyperpycnal deltas, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 112, F03005, doi:10.1029/2006JF000617. [PDF]
Book chapter
2. Amblas, D.*, Micallef, A., Ceramicola, S., Gerber, T.P., Canals, M., Casalbore, D., Chiocci, F.L., Duran, R., Harris, P.T., Huvenne, V.A.I., Lai, S.Y.J., Lastras, G., Lo Iacono, C., Matos, F.L., Mountjoy, J.J., Paull, C.K., Puig, P., Sanchez-Vidal, A., (2022), Submarine Canyons. In: Shroder, J.J.F. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, vol. 8. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 830–846. [PDF]
1. Amblas, D.*, S. Ceramicola, T. P. Gerber, M. Canals, F. L. Chiocci, J. A. Dowdeswell, P. T. Harris, V. A. Huvenne, S. Y. J. Lai, G. Lastras, C. L. Iacono, A. Micallef, J. J. Mountjoy, C. K. Paull, P. Puig and A. Sanchez-Vidal (2018), Submarine Canyons and Gullies, in Submarine Geomorphology, edited by A. Micallef, S. Krastel and A. Savini, pp. 251-272, Springer, Cham.
Conferences and Workshops
29. Harrison, J. F.*, Lai, S. Y. J., and Yeh, Y.-H. (2024), GIS-based management of a campus tree inventory for assessing optimal shade tree locations: a case study of National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 55,
28. Tsai, Y.-T. and Lai, S. Y. J.* (2024), Submarine braided channels in response to channel confinement shapes and inflow-to-sediment discharge ratios: Insights from physical experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
27. Lai, S. Y. J., Amblas, D.*, Micalef, A., Gerber, T. P. and Capart H. (2023), Exploring the evolution of submarine canyon-fan systems in active fault settings: Insights from physical experiments and morphodynamic modeling, International Network for submarine canyon investigation and scientific exchange, Wellington, New Zealand.
26. 黃彥鈞、賴悅仁*,2021,「入流密度差異改變三維三角洲形貌之實驗研究」,第25屆水利工程研討會論文集。
25. 劉欣昀、賴悅仁*,2021,「入流歷線影響水下辮狀河道形貌演化之實驗研究」,第25屆水利工程研討會論文集。
24. 洪秉哲、賴悅仁*,2021,「入流型態及高低水位差影響水庫三角洲演化之實驗研究」,第25屆水利工程研討會論文集。
23. Lai, S. Y. J.*, D. Amblas and T. P. Gerber (2018), Submarine canyon-fan coevolution: Mechanism and insights from laboratory experiments, American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
22. Lai, S. Y. J. * (2018), Experiments of submarine canyon-fan systems and braided channels, workshop on Turbidity current: Triggers, flow structures, and morphodynamics, Chiba, Japan (as an invited speaker).
21. Lai, S. Y. J. *, D. Amblas and T. P. Gerber (2018), An experimental approach for submarine canyon-fan system, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, Chiba, Japan (as an invited speaker).
20. 唐高晴、賴悅仁*,2017,「河寬及水流功率影響海底辮狀河道之實驗研究」,第39屆海洋工程研討會論文集。
19. Sutherland, G. M.*, B. Z. Foreman, S. Y. J. Lai, A. Limaye, J.-L. Grimaud and Y. Komatsu (2017), Braiding mechanisms and bar geometries in rivers and submarine density current channels, GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA.
18. Lai, S. Y. J.*, Y.-T. Hsiao, C.-C. Chang, Y.-J. Chiu and F.-C. Wu (2017), Analytical and experimental study of dual-slope effects on Gilbert and hyperpycnal deltas over bedrock, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, Chiba, Japan.
17. Lai, S. Y. J.* (2017), Experiments of submarine canyons and braided turbidites, 5th Annual International Workshop of Experiments in Surface Processes and Subsurface Architecture, Tsukuba, Japan.
16. Capart, H.*, W. T. Ke and S. Y. J. Lai (2017), Diffusion modeling of the distribution of sediment infill in hyperpycnal mountain reservoirs, 2nd International Workshop on Sediment Bypass Tunnels, Kyoto, Japan.
15. Chou, A. C. C., S. Y. J. Lai* and C. K. Huang (2016), Experimental study of porous cylinder affected topographic evolution, 12th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan.
14. Amblas, D.*, T. P. Gerber, S. Y. J. Lai, M. Canals and J. A. Dowdeswell (2016), Towards an understanding of the long-term evolution of submarine canyons, 3rd INCISE International Submarine Canyon Symposium, Victoria, Canada.
13. Foreman, B. Z.*, S. Y. J. Lai, Y. Komatsu and C. Paola (2015), Braided submarine channels produced with experiments suggest scale independent controls on planform morphology similar to rivers, American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA.
12. 周峻暐、賴悅仁*、黃進坤、郭為濬,2015,「不同直徑與孔隙比之圓柱型筐網對沖積河川影響之試驗研究」,第22屆水利工程研討會論文集,110-114。
11. 吳松晏、賴悅仁*,2015,「水庫三角洲受異重流及抬升水位影響之實驗研究」,第22屆水利工程研討會論文集,374-380。
10. Lai, S. Y. J.*, S. S. C. Hung, B. Z. Foreman, Y. Komatsu and C. Paola (2015), Experiments of submarine braided channels driven by density currents, the 46th Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium on “Laboratory Experiments in Geomorphology”.
9. Hung, S. S. C. and S. Y. J. Lai* (2014), Experimental investigation on submarine braided channels, Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 7th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan.
8. Lai, S. Y. J.* and H. Capart (2014), Evolution of river deltas and submarine canyons driven by hyperpycnal flows: a sandbox experiment, Earth History of Asia II, Niigata, Japan.
7. Lai, S. Y. J.*, T. P. Gerber and D. Amblas (2013), An experimental study of submarine canyon evolution on continental slopes, American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA.
6. Lai, S. Y. J.* (2012), Evolution of submarine canyons in sandbox experiments, in Proceeding of the 1st USA-Spain-Taiwan Workshop on Seascape Evolution, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
5. Lai, S. Y. J.* (2009), Morphodynamics of Mountain Reservoirs, in Proceeding of the 1st Belgium – Taiwan Workshop on River Hydraulics, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Lai, S. Y. J. and H. Capart* (2008), Flow field around a vertically saltating sphere, in The American Physical Society – the 61st Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gallery of Fluid Motion – posters, San Antonio, Texas.
3. Lai, S. Y. J. and H. Capart* (2007), Diffusive morphodynamics of hyperpycnal deltas, in Proceedings of the 3rd Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanism of Sediment-Laden Flow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2. Lai, S. Y. J. and H. Capart* (2007), Response of hyperpycnal deltas to a steady rise in base level, in Proceedings of the 5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, edited by C. Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen and Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher, p. 57-62, Taylor and Francis, London.
1. Lai, S. Y. J., P. C. Hsu, C. Y. Hou, Willy Wang and H. Capart* (2005), Self-similar build-up of subaerial and subaqueous deltas over bedrock basements. Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Taitung, Taiwan, p.72-73.
23. 曾邦硯,2024,「以實驗方法探究聚合型邊界條件之海底峽谷演化」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
22. 蔡昀庭,2024,「河道形狀及水砂比影響水下辮狀河道演化:物理實驗與數值模擬」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
21. 裴冠閔,2023,「入流密度、流量與基準面下降速度影響水下峽谷之形貌研究:實驗與數值模擬」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
20. 洪秉哲,2022,「入流密度及高底水位差影響水庫三角洲演化之研究:實驗與數值模擬」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
19. 劉欣昀,2022,「不同水文歷線影響水下辮狀河道演化之研究:實驗及數值模擬」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
18. 孔德閔,2021,「地下水滲流機制所誘發的水下峽谷演化」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
17. 黃于恆,2021,「斜坡上受粒徑與流量影響之擬似三維溢頂潰壩之實驗研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
16. 黃睦翔,2021,「水砂量影響三維Gilbert三角洲之形貌演變:大尺度物理實驗」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
15. 詹術攀,2020,「一對圓柱體的局部沖刷形態:孔隙率和間距的影響」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
14. 歐岱霖,2020,「單坡一維三角洲受交替清水流及異重流影響之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
13. 石軒寧,2020,「水砂量影響辮狀河川形貌演化之大型物理實驗及二維模式模擬」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
12. 黃彥鈞,2020,「寬度及水砂比影響水下辮狀河道演化之研究 : 實驗與水流模式開發」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
11. 張棠羽,2019,「以實驗方法探究向下丁壩對河道形貌之影響」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
10. 邱義叡,2018,「雙坡度岩盤影響異重流三角洲發展之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
9. 唐高晴,2018,「河寬及水流功率影響海底辮狀河道之實驗研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
8. 張家齊,2017,「三角洲受交替入流密度及雙坡度岩盤影響之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
7. 蕭詠泰,2017,「雙坡度岩盤對Gilbert三角洲發展之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
6. 邱詩婷,2016,「以實驗方法探究一維海底峽谷演化」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
5. 吳松晏,2016,「水庫三角洲受異重流及抬升水位影響之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
4. 江駿豐,2016,「以實驗方法探究海底峽谷發展過程與形貌分析」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
3. 洪世哲,2015,「以實驗方法探究海下受異重流影響之辮狀河道」,碩士論文,國立成功大學,台灣。
2. Lai, S. Y. J. (2010), Morphodynamics of coevolving fluvial and hyperpycnal valleys, PhD dissertation, Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
1. Lai, S. Y. J. (2006), Self-similar delta formation by hyperpycnal flows: theory and experiments, M.S. thesis, Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.